
In my first course at Full Sail University online I had the opportunity to use a Web 2.0 tool by the name of Google Docs. I was a bit confused when one of my group members told me to add my input to the group presentation. So I went to the link she sent to me and added my input and then downloaded the document and asked her where she wanted it emailed to. I was so surprised when she told me that she already had it and liked my comments. I had no idea that Google Docs was a real time online editable document. The thought of being able to collaborate, edit, and work on a document with other people in real time boggled my mind.
In this Emergent Technologies in Collaborative Culture course I have been able to explore this web 2.0 tool a bit more.
In doing some research I went straight to the source. The Google docs website gave simple and clear information about the purpose of using Google docs and how to use each type of documents in the tool.
Google Docs allows its users to make a word processing document, spread sheet, power point and many other information files so that its users have a secure place to store the files, and allow others to view, add and collaborate information. Before this tool, many people would have to place the work on one person who had the computer, or the internet connection to do the work. With Google Docs everyone in a group can have a part to play with the project assignment, and can work all at once or when they have time. With Google Docs the work and be split up equally, and everyone can share the work load.
This Google Docs web 2.0 tools is an ideal device for group projects in education.  I plan on teaching students how to use this device and implement them in my classes. Once they learn how to use this Google Docs, I will be creating more projects and written work linking these wonderful web 2.0 tools.
As an example I am adding the link Google Docs and this actual blog entry that I did in Google Docs. It won’t be editable because I’m just going to allow everyone to view it, but it is just an example of how the document works.
Google Docs Page
My Google Docs Blog

Google Docs Tour. (n.d.). Google. Retrieved May 9, 2010, from http://www.google.com/google-d-s/tour1.html



You will be doing more hands-on learning with Google Docs next month with Dr. Deason as you collaborate on group projects. Great choice!

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