

Rollyo.com is a great website for educators to use as a web 2.0 tool.  Rollyo is a website that allows you to create your own specialized search engine. In researching it, my brain went into sensory overload.  I really saw this as a great tool to not only use in a technology classroom, but also any other types of classes.

Rollyo is a Yahoo powered search allows users to register accounts and create search engines that only retrieve results from the websites and blogs they want to include in their search results. It was first created by Elias Skafi who sold it for $1 Million (Wikipedia)
In a classroom setting, this has a lot of potential. It allows teachers to regulate where and what their students are searching. Especially with the massive amount of junk and unreliable trash that is jacketing the usual internet search engines.
The usual comments I hear when students are using search engines are that they cannot find anything. Meaning that they don’t know what to look for specifically. This is because they don’t know how to specify what they are looking for, so for students, Rollyo narrows this information down for them. Its almost like an internet peer review database, but this isn’t for just scholarly work.
I like that each search roll (personalized searches) can be edited and updated and customized to make your own. I think that this is the way of the future, it will help people not only in education, but also in surfing the web for entertainment.
(Some celebrities with personalized search rolls.)

Armstrong, L. (n.d.). What is Rollyo?. HubPages. Retrieved May 23, 2010, from http://hubpages.com/hub/What_is_Rollyo/ 
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved May 23, 2010, from  


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